About iGem
Every year, an iGEM Eindhoven student team participates in the International Genetic Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition to tackle everyday world issues with the help of synthetic biology. With your team, you are the head scientists of the project chosen. Of course, you’ll have the opportunity to ask senior scientist for help and guidance along the way. An iGEM year consists of three sections: Team formation, brainstorming, and project planning Labwork and data-analysis Jamboree preparation. In general, section 1 takes place from February until May, which is part-time. Section 2 takes place over the summer months from June until August and is a full-time period for all team members. The wrap-up section 3 takes place from September until October, which can be part- or full-time depending on your function. The iGEM year ends with a giant jamboree, where all teams from all over the world come together and present their work. More information about iGEM, what each role in the team includes, and how you can apply can be found at our website: https://www.igemtueindhoven.nl/.